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Interoperable Parallel Services for Dynamic Meshes at Extreme Scale

The focus of the proposed project is to provide a set of interoperable parallel services for dynamic meshes and to ensure their full integration and application with production-level analysis codes relevant to Department of Defense. Specifically, we will develop and deploy a set of services that have been identified to be critical to enhance the productivity of three production-level codes on large-scale computing platforms. The three codes include CREATE-AV Helios, Proteus and FUN3D. In the case of Helios, automation in adaptive construction of near-body meshes is a key remaining step and to address this need we propose a novel near-body geometry-based adaptive meshing capability. Proteus targets problems with evolving geometry including moving interfaces and/or structures, and thus, we propose to develop anisotropic mesh adaptation with a predictive capability to account for evolving features. For FUN3D one of the significant bottleneck is load balancing of large mixed meshes and thus, we propose to provide scalable and fully distributed dynamic partitioning tools.

Engility (under DoD HPCMP PETTT project)