Doctoral Student (Alumnus)
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering
Email: niemir2@rpi.edu
- PhD 2018, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rotorcraft aerodynamics and flight dynamics, especially on multi-rotor configurations. Dr. Niemiec's research focuses on first-principles-based modeling and prediction of novel electric aircraft configurations with the in-house analysis tool: the Rensselaer Multicopter Analysis Code (RMAC). Using RMAC, he has performed studies comparing different multicopter designs and allocating the extra controls that exist on hexacopters and octocopters to optimize power consumption in hover and cruise conditions, as well as reallocating controls to recover and control the aircraft in the event of rotor failure. Dr. Niemiec is an expert on aeromechanics of fixed-pitch, variable RPM multi-rotor vehicles, with several publications on the modeling of such vehicles. He has also performed work on reconfigurable vertical lift, including a reversible airfoil for high-speed stopped-rotor configurations.